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The online store of Korean stylish apparel in Jakarta, described by a simplicated women and designed by an edu-creative men. It's about living and loving fashion.


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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why Racun Fashion?

Today, we decided to changed the blog name, with no wind no rain~ga ada angin ga ada hujan (woohoo.. the English was just broken!).
It's just happened with quite good simple reason: too storey thingy name makes it like some kind of asos (walopun sebenernya gw ngarep dagangan bisa laris manis ky asos). Lagipula, namanya kepanjangan dan kebanyakan konsonan, for me, I don't really enjoyed typing lots of consonant letter, that makes me dyslexic.

Tapi tetep, kenapa racun fashion?
Honestly, gw bukan orang fashion, bukan model nor a fashionista yg modis, tapii.. Gw suka liat cewe yang walaupun bukan model, even bisa dibilang bkn siapa2 di dunia fashion yg wara-wiri di TV, but they can be super modis dan funky, kadang ada sih org awam yg bilang org2 seperti itu tacky-lah atau norak, well hey, who cares? I do adore cewe2 dengan selera modis dan percaya diri seperti itu. 
The most important thing is they feel confident and comfortable with their style.

Itu semua bisa mereka dapetin karena mereka punya sense of fashion, dan disinilah FASHION bisa jadi RACUN buat para cewe yg pastinya pengen selalu terlihat menarik dan punya "identitas". Mulai bereksperimen dari sight-seeing, liking, adoring sampe buying dan mix-matching.

Racun fashion bukan berupa liquid atau serbuk poisonous yang mematikan, justru itu cuma bakalan mematikan kalau kamu ga berani mencoba. 

Racun yang gw bawa disini adalah racun indah, cantik, berwarna-warni ber-genre Korea or K-pop, dimana lg kalo bukan di PGStore, you got the good quality with reasonable and affordable price ;) and, as you know, Korean quite makes a huge innovation with their fashion ideas, diluar dari berpatokan sm tampilan para idols-nya, kamu jg bisa seperti mereka, gak perduli kamu berbadan tinggi atau pendek, berpostur kurus atau gemuk, Girls..You can always be whoever you want with fashion.

Mulailah dari diri kamu sendiri, mix and match it with your own identity, be comfort and confident, kalau gak nyaman, jangan dipaksain, tp setidaknya kamu bisa mencoba dulu baru kamu tau yg nyaman seperti apa. 

Sama seperti kalian, gw-pun lg berusaha terus untuk menemukan kenyamanan "identity" gw dgn eksperimen fashion, bisa dengan outfit like clothes, shoes/sandals also accessories, or even the occasion, apapun yg bisa mendukung biar kamu terus mencoba, and today..I tried some experiment with the new collection of PGStore, diluar pose2nya, please just kindly enjoy it ;)

Well it's a nice warm day to have a little Indonesian art-craft around you, be my guest to guess the place ;)

kpop exo t-shirt

kpop exo t-shirt

KPOP EXO T-Shirt from PGStore ♥️♥
Tee color: White
Code: EXO-01
korean chic blouse

Collar and ribbon color: Salem
Blouse color: Green Tosca

See ya later and happy shopping beautiful! :* 

 *Photos taken by: My beloved R


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