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The online store of Korean stylish apparel in Jakarta, described by a simplicated women and designed by an edu-creative men. It's about living and loving fashion.


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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Kpop Indo Mixture

South Korea and Indonesia, bukan negara yang secara geografis berdekatan, terutama secara iklim dan cuaca.

Sometimes dalam Kpop fashion di Indonesia, gak semua Kpop style bisa diaplikasikan secara sama, karena material pada koleksi pakaian di musim tertentu di Korea gak bisa disamakan pada iklim di Indonesia.

Bagaimanapun, we would love to support you, agar sebisa mungkin tidak mengurangi gaya dan kepribadian Kpop kamu ;)

but how?

Wear PGStore collection ;)


Karena PGStore collection provides Kpop fashion yang sesuai dengan iklim di Indonesia dengan tidak mengurangi kualitas the real Kpop material.


Anytime you wanted to.

Well, here's the sight-seeing:

 Cotton Shirt + Cool Cardi + Leopard hotpants 

 Check our Collection for the above style:


NY Star Pink Shirt by PGStore

or this..

Sweatshirt + shorts

See what PGStore had for you:
Cute miss Icel with PGStore's Sweatshirt collection

 How about this?

Absolutely PGStore also provides the collection for the real Kpop Lace latest style ;)

What we do is just supporting you to be creative and having fun with your own sense of Kpop fashion. Always be the best at your best!
To see our collection and the details, 

don't forget to subscribe and comment to this blog,

add our facebook: www.facebook.com/PGStore

follow the twitter: @racun_kpop 


Have a Happy Shopping Beautiful! :*


Anonymous said...

Apa inih....??! Waa.. Seruuu! :D
Yang cocok buat gue yang kek mana cong? hehe :D

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